4 months in Germany today! it's like the time is running away... doesnt feel that nice... but I can at least be in a conversation completley in german. and I'm sooo proud of myself for doing this! and like homesickness, I havent had that much of it! and I actually tought I would be one of them that went home just after a few couple of months! but no! that's not gonna happen!!! ;p
I've thought of a thing, in school I'm having english, dutch and german. and at home my hostparents are talking platdeutch (an own language here in nordrhein westfahlen) to each other. so a normal day has 3-4 different language, and if I have dutch that day it has 4-5. multi language here!! ;p
are there many difference between Sweden and Germany? like both countries are in europe and they are close to each other.
- you actually think that there shouldnt be so many differencese between two countries that are so close to each other! but yes there is! for example school. you say Herr or Frau to the teachers and you have to say Sie (Ni). the school has a bell (like in USA), and you arent allowed to be in the classrooms during breaks. they don't have meals in school like in sweden. and no computers ;p
and on sundays are everything closed, and that feels so strange. like there's a law that a store can only have open 5 sundays a year. and in sweden is it always open ;p
wearing sweatpants outside is a big "NO". like since I found out about it I've counted how many I've seen with sweatpants outside. 3 people in 3 months! like that's normal for one day in Sweden!
haha the weather, like it's december now and we don't have any snow! and people have told me that maybe we wont have any snow on christmas. and it feels so strange!
in Sweden we have a butterknife for like everything (butter, jam, marmelade, etc) but here you have your own knife that you use for everything. just wipe it of your bread and you're good to go! ;p
and they eat a lot of bread. like, bread for breakfast, you bring bread to school and you eat bread (and sometimes something warm) to dinner. in Sweden I usually don't eat breakfast, don't have time, but if I do it's cereals, and we get food in the school and for dinner we eat something warm.
so yeah, there's some differences between Sweden and Germany! ;p
What do you miss the most about Sweden?
- my family, I have a great hostfamily but they aren't my real family. and I'm gonna miss them when I'm going home.
my cat (moms cat), she was just a baby when I left. and she is growing bigger and bigger for everyday, and I'm missing it!
my friends, got friends here as well but of course I miss my lovely friends. I can even miss my class sometimes, maybe cuz we are like 24 girls in my class here and in my class in Sweden we were 4 girls and 20 boys.
talking swedish, haha. it's sometimes hard to describe something important in german or english.
driving, I have a drivning license but I'm not allowed to drive for YFU (the organisation).
swedish tv, here is the tv in german and that's sooo wrong for me. it actually took me like two months to start watching tv. and now I'm just doing it like one time per week.
going around in sweatpants outside! it's like the best outfit you can wear!
that stores arent closed on sundays! like the first thing I'm gonna do when I'm going back to Swedin is driving to ICA (supermarket) in sweatpants, like at 22 in the evening on a sunday. just because I can! ;p
me and "katta" and me and Limpan!
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