måndag 31 mars 2014

Mittelseminar day 1 and 2

the trip down to München/Possenhofen took about 8 hours, so when I finally arrived at the jugendheim was I soooo tired. but before I could relax did Laura (my mama bärchen) show me around, and she was like "I wanted you in my workgroup because you come from sweden and I want to go to Oslo next year" (Oslo is the cappital in Norway). made me laugh. so after that did I just chill in my bed for like an hour and then was it dinner time. and after that did we have a "get to know each other" evening, with a few games and so and after that did I go to bed (fun day).

the second day was also alot about to get to know each other. we went in our workgroups and played typical "remember the names" game. talking a bit about our exchanges so far.
after that did all of us go for a walk to watch the lake and the alps, and since I saw them on the train I knew that you could see them better here than in München. and it was so nice, and since it was awesome weather you could see the alps really good!
and on the evening did we first have a Bayern challeng, where we had to guess what some Bayrisches words was meaning, guess stuff about Bayern, eat brezels, trying to open a bearbottle as creative as we could and then pour it in a glass as good as possible. it was really fun! and after that did we have a movienight (or we did only watch one movie, but still) and then in bed because München was on the schedule!

 every room had a song as name, and mine happend to be "Alle meine entchen" which was the only song that I knew!

söndag 30 mars 2014

då kommer blommorna snart

känslan man får när man vet att det bara är cirka 3 månader kvar av sitt utbytesår är obeskrivliga! ena halva av mig vill inte att det ska ta slut medans andra halvan vill gärna att dagen D skulle kunna vara imorgon!
känner saknade efter min farmor och farfars sommarhus, detta då det var cirka 14 grader ute när jag åt frukost och solen lyste in vilket fick mig att längta till sommaren och skåne! men ska allt njuta av mina sista månader här, glädja mig åt vad jag har lyckats åstakommit och fått uppleva! för detta är verkligen det bästa jag någonsin har gjort!

sorry for Swedish, sorry for that I haven't been posting in some weeks and sorry for that I haven't been writing anything about the Munich trip it will come this week! :)

lördag 8 mars 2014

I like big butts and I can not lie

so yesterday was it my 19:th birthday. first birthday without snow, parents and holliday.

so my day started with that my whole hostfamily came singing for me, and I got my gift (going to Hamburg with my hostmom and one hostsister to watch Lionking the musical). then breakfast and some more gifts.
got a lot of happy birthdays in the school, and my classmates sang to me! it was really nice, but it feelt kind of wierd going to school on my birthday ;p
when I got home I had to make everything for the evening ready (with help from my hostfamily) cuz some friends where supposed to come over.
so at 19 came 3 friends from me, and they where playing "without me" and I only thought they where doing it cuz it was Lena and mine song, but then came Nadin jumping out surprising me, (she actually couldn't come and didn't told that she could) which made me really happy! so we had dinner and cake and talked alot and everything! and at around 23 came another friend, which was also fun! and at 1.30 did the last one go home, and I was sleeping at 2. so it was a really good birthday, and I'm so glad that I got to spend it with my friends! :)

oh yeah, I got a fisheye objective for my iphone!

onsdag 5 mars 2014

Karneval ist nur einmal im Jahr

so over a week since I wrote anything here, but I was in Munich. going to make a post about it later when I got time. and then was it karneval. on sunday did I go to Stadlohn with Nadin, as soldiers, and watched the "train" and got candy and popcorn. my teacher was even in the "train" and I got popcorn from him, that was nice! and when we were standing and looking at the "train" did Nadin and I get two small bottles with alcohol and they have a number on them and you have to hit it so many times and then drink it. he also told us that if we wanted we could take beer from a bag on the ground. he did later give me a beer, and then another beer. and at 20 did we went to a club and danced and had fun!
and on monday was it time again, so I went to Wühlen with Lena and Julia. had a really great time! it sucks that we don't have karneval in sweden, but that also means that I'm gonna come back here and party on karneval with my friends!
and on thuesday was it school, and that wasn't soo fun with a freaking hangover! but we did order döner/kebab to our last break. and that was soooo good! :D